Motor Control System Development
Argus designs hardware and software platforms for motor control systems used in the automotive and industrial automation, robotics industries. Argus team has a strong portfolio and is well-versed in open-source solutions, tools, and software needed to perform expert work on major electric motor topologies. We are ready to connect to your project at any stage to help make your motor control solutions and drive solutions ( DC Motor Control solutions, AC Motor Controller, BLDC Motor Controller, PMSM motor controller, ACIM Motor Controller, Stepper motor controller, Servo Drives) more advanced and ready for production.
AC/DC Motor controller Design
- Variable-frequency drive (VFD)
- Servo drive (AC Servo Drive, DC Servo Drive)
- Stepper motor controller
- Brushed DC Motor Controller
- Brushless DC motor controller (BLDC)
- AC Induction motor controller (ACIM)
- Permanent magnet synchronous motor Controller
- Motor control design services at Argus encompass a wide range of engineering solutions for motors and robotics across various domains. We are ready to guide you through every step of your journey – from proof of concept to mass production.
Motor Controller Design - Algorithms
- We use mathematical functions, algorithms, and modelling in our motor control and drive design solutions that can be integrated into industrial automation systems, including sensors and pressure transducers, robotic devices, and power electronics.
- Scalar control V/f (Volts per frequency) control
- Stepper motor control
- SVPWM/SPWM/PWM control
- 3-phase 6-step control
- Vector control: DTC (Direct torque control), FOC (Field-oriented control)
Motor control observer algorithm
- EKF (Extended Kalman filter)
- ELO (Extended Luenberger observer)
- LSO (Luenberger State observer)
- MRAS (Model reference adaptive system)
- BEMF (Back EMF)
- Neural network-based
- Fuzzy neural network-based
Motor controller Design library
- ST STM32 motor control software development kit (MCSDK)
- Microchip motor control library for dsPIC33 DSCs, 32-bit PIC32MK and SAM MCU
- NXP RTCESL (real-time control embedded software libraries) having MLIB (math library), GFLIB (general function library), GMCLIB (general motor control library), GDFLIB (general digital filter library), AMCLIB (advanced motor control library), PCLIB (power conversion library)
- Renesas motor workbench 3.0
- TI digital motor control software library

Argus has developed a line of Motor Controller solutions available as off the shelf (COTS) product or may be customized as per customer requirement. AESPL Motor Controller solutions have been developed and manufactured for long life and reliable operation in harsh environmental conditions over wide operating temperature ranges.
AESPL engineering and manufacturing strength in designing and supplying COTS or custom Motor Control solutions helps us meet customer Target requirements which includes DC Motor Control solutions, AC Motor Controller, BLDC Motor Controller, PMSM motor controller, ACIM Motor Controller, Stepper motor controller, Servo Drives.